OFBiz Service Provider

OfBiz service providers make it possible for web developers to write client programs that invoke the web services of their choice. An example would be an HTML form on a web page where the user can complete a payment or request information. By clicking the Submit button on the form, the browser is forwarded to the OFBiz web service and the form attributes are appended to the URL.

A web service operates as a producer/consumer system: A service provider offers a product or service to a consumer and advertises it on the Internet. Consumers then seek these products and services and accept delivery. Many ad hoc and formal standards are used to enable the interaction between providers and consumers. OFBiz provides built-in support for these standards and also provides the tools necessary to implement web services.

Apache OFBiz is an Open Source framework developed by the Apache Software Foundation. OFBiz customization includes framework components and business applications for implementing automated enterprise processes. This framework is designed to be scalable, flexible, and extendable. OFBiz has been in development for several years, and the community has kept the technologies up to date.

OFBiz has evolved into the world’s leading open-source solution for enterprise automation. A credible partner, 1Tech, has been implementing solutions based on OFBiz since 2005. The company is an active member of the Apache Open For Business Project’s PMC and contributes to the platform’s core. It has completed over twenty engagements using OFBiz.

OFBiz service providers have several tools that make it easy to submit tasks. Their service also features a feature voting site wherein members can make suggestions for projects. These votes will help fund the project and focus on community priorities. The community will have an opportunity to make their voice heard and help create new products and services.

The OFBiz service provider uses Apache Geronimo, a Java EE platform. Apache Geronimo supports clustering. However, this is not automatic – proper configuration is required. One solution is RightScale, which automatically adds application nodes to the cluster. However, this solution requires the preparation of instance templates and scripts. You can get more enlightened on this topic by reading here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_OFBiz.

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